Friday, December 26, 2008

My Family Went on Vacation

Cass and the kids left this morning to visit family in Missouri. I had to stick around town in order to take care of any network issues that may arise during thier time away. The previous network administrator left KUSD for a better paying job.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Madi, Lexi, and Drew seemed to enjoy the things that Santa brought this year. Here are a few picutes.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

I don't know how many times that I've heard Cass sing that line today, but it is indeed snowing here in the dessert. In fact, they shut down the schools early this after noon. Here is a picture from my office before it started to stick. Unforturnately, it isn't even snowing here in the valley.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

1988 GMC for Sale

1988 GMC

  • 350ci engine

  • 5 speed manual

  • 4x4


Just in case anyone is interested.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Andrew

Today was Andrew's 1st Birthday! Cass made him spaghetti, one of his favorite meals, and a cake. I'll try to post some pictures tomorrow. I also received a jury summons today. Yeah...


Thursday, November 20, 2008

An Animated GIF

I was playing around, and I found an article on making an animated gif in Photoshop. It's actually not too difficult to do. I've made a turkey and a Christmas tree.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Rampant Breeding in Our Tank

Not only do we have little Mollies in our tank. We apparently have dozens of little snails. Our small innocent snail, Monty, has apparently laid eggs and left its young to wander the tank.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

More Mollies

Cass chose Mollies for some of her first fish. The fat Molly that she chose from the pet store wasn't fat, it was pregnant. We now have about ten Molly fry separated in a net breeder. There were probably quite a few more, but the other fish had a hardy snack. If I was confident that we would keep all of our other fish alive, I would let nature take its course. As of now, I think we'll use them as our tank replenishment program. Of course, I'm assuming that we can keep the fry alive.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween 2008

Here are some pictures of the kids in their Halloween costumes. Cass and I did not dress up with the kids this year.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Cass's Birthday Present

Cass decided that she wanted an Aquarium for her birthday. So, I figured out a way to squeeze the aquarium, stand, and myself in the Camaro. Now, I hope we can keep some fish alive.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Some Entertainment to Follow the Previous Sad News

I think Lexi could tell that we were sad today. So, she decided that she'd tell us a joke. The video is of Lexi telling Madi the joke.

A Terrible Day

We were shocked by some terrible information yesterday. At Cass's normal biweekly appointment with the OB, the doctor was unable to find a heartbeat. He asked that we return today in order to recheck the baby. Unfortunately, there was no heartbeat or movement from the baby and the baby's development seems to have been halted 1 1/2 to 2 weeks ago. The doctor scheduled a D&C for 6:00 tomorrow morning. Thank you for those that have provided their condolences, but I am not sure that Cass is ready to talk to anyone about it yet.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Cass's Hair Cut

Cass decided to get her hair cut this morning. She had more than 10 inches of har cut off, so she is going to donate the hair to Locks of Love.



Thursday, October 9, 2008

Conversion Nearly Complete

By now, I'm sure anyone that has checked the site has realized that I've been making changes. I have now migrated all of the galleries from the old site to the new format. I've also moved all of the videos from the old site to the new. The links are on the menu on the right site of the page.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Lincoln (Updated)

After driving the Lincoln for two days with the new power steering which worked wonderfully, I was driving home at about 60mph when it downshifted into first gear. After that, it would not shift into any any higher gears. The transmission shop stated that it wasn't very common for these models of transmissions to fail, but the description of the event that he received was exactly what these transmissions do when they fail. He said that it would only be $2,800 to rebuild it. Luckily, we still have the transmission that was originally in the 92. For now, we are going the replace the cracked windshield in the Camaro until we get around to fixing the Lincoln. I'm going to miss the leather seats and air conditioning the most.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Connect Four

Madi and Lexi have found a new game that they like to play, Connect Four. Madi and Lexi play while Andrew tries to destroy thier game.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Lovenox Makes Its Return

In order to preface the following, it is probably necessary to inform everyone that Cass and I are expecting again. While Cass was pregnant with Lexi, Cass was seeing a specialist for the difficulties that she has had during pregnancies. Near the end of the pregnancy, the doctor diagnosed Cass with Prothrombosis.

If you make an attempt to look up Prothrombosis, I wish you luck finding intelligable information. It is there, but you'd likely have to dig. For example, Prothrombosis is not listed in WebMD. To make it even more difficult, she's inflicted with an even more obscure subset that is defined as Prothrombosis Factor II.

Prothrombosis is a blood clotting disorder that is most commonly seen in people that have suffered significant trauma at sometime in their lives. Therefore, she could have been inflicted with the disorder after receiving burns as a result of a house fire when she was a child. There is also smaller chance that it is a genetic form of the disorder.

Regardless of the cause, the disorder does not seem to have an effect at any time other than during a pregnancy. There is a specific reason for this, the fragile filter that a baby uses to gather nutrition and oxygen from a mothers blood, the placenta, can easily become clogged with very small clots. This is probably the reason that Madi was actually losing weight during the end of that pregnancy and for Lexi being delivered a month early amid concerns of her becoming starved of oxygen or nutrition. During both of the pregnancies with the girls, there were minor placental abruptions where the placenta separates from the uterine wall.

During the pregnancy with Andrew, Cass began taking Lovenox, a blood thinner, very early in the pregnancy. Through the pregnancy, we took only two pre-term trips to the hospital. That may sound like a lot, but the girls each required several more than that. Although they wanted to deliver Drew early as well, it was merely precautionary due to the history of placental abruptions. From Cass's own words, the pregnancy with Drew was "much easier".

The pregnancy is now only a couple of weeks from completing the first trimester, she is starting the Lovenox later than with Drew, but the doctors have been pleased with the progress of the pregnancy to this point. Last night, I gave Cass her first injection of Lovenox for this pregnancy. I will be giving her an injection every night until about a week before the delivery.

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Outside Toy Box

Cass has been after me for a while to build the kids something in which to keep their outside toys.  So, I used some of the leftover lumber that was lying around, and I build the toy box.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Drew's Evil Grin

Here's a picture of Drew. He seems to be plotting something.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Lincoln is Alive

The power steering in the Lincoln had completely gone last week. So, we bought the parts to revive it. We were able to get it back together tonight.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tractor Fun

We rented a large tractor to level out the land for upcoming projects. at frist Madi and Lexi thought it was a Trash Truck. All the kids tookturns trying to "drive".

Andrew helped himself to some pretzels

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

More Changes

I haven't been keeping up with the updates as much as I would like. So, I decided to change the format of the site a little. Instead of editing static web pages, I decided to convert the site to a blog. The blog will make it possible for Cass to make changes on her own, including adding pictures. It will also allow those of you that check our site to leave comments. It may undergo a few more changes before I am finished.

You may have also noticed that you can now access our site by simply typing or I may also move some of the albums and videos to the new format as well.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

First Day of School

8-14-2008 - It was Madi's first day of Kindergarten. She was apparently sad at the end of the day, but she said that she had fun. Here is a small gallery from this morning.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Madi's Registered for Kindergarten

8-7-2008 - Madi is now registered and screened for Kindergarten. She will be going to school at the best elementary school that KUSD has to offer. She wasn't selected by the lottery for the Academy, but she will have one of the best teachers for which we could have hoped. I have talked about her husband Tony here before. Their family site is on the links page. Mrs. Victory's KUSD blog can be found here.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My Work Blog

8-6-2008 - I started trying to keep track of what is happening at work in a blog at I decided that I should use it since I created the code to allow teachers to create their own blogs.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Madi and Soccer

7-17-2008 - Today was one of Madi's last days of soccer. She seems to have had fun with it this summer. It wasn't a competitive thing. They just learned the basics of soccer. Like don't touch the ball with your hands.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tommy in Iraq

7-2-2008 - My good friend Tommy left for the Middle-East today. We are all hoping that he will be safe and his wife Sara and his kids receive all of the support that they need. Sara, Cass and I are here, if you need anything.

Friday, June 27, 2008


6-27-2008 - Madi and Lexi have been attending Vacation Bible School this week. Tonight they had a program during which they sang two songs along with other Kindergarten and pre-K children. The video can be found here.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


6-19-2008 - The newest version of openSUSE was released today. I spent some time at work installing the newest version on my linux box. Madi, Lexi, Drew and Cass joined me at the office for lunch today.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Albuquerque Challenge Update

6-16-2008 - For those of you that are participating in the Albuquerque Challenge, I have made a change to the rules. Staying within the spirit of the Challenge, I have added an additional activity other than walking. You can now ride a bicycle in order to earn mileage. However, one mile on a bicycle is only equal to one quarter of a mile of walking. I based the figure on a couple of resources that compared various activities to walking. Cycling one mile burned about 1/4th of the calories that you would burn walking a mile.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Garden

6-12-2008 - Cass was excited to get a picture of the "fruits" of her labor on the web site. No, those are not huge Jalapeno peppers. It is a small tomato.